Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Children's Sunday - Theni

Sunday school is the most important part in the Church. Sunday school is the premier place where we are obedient to the Scriptural command to teach the Word. Sunday School is a great place for people of all ages to sit down with others and be taught the Bible. Sunday School is also a great place for lost people to be introduced to the church, and to the Bible, and to Jesus.

After long time, I got a chance to attend a children's service in Theni. They gave many programs which was good. When I was listening them just few thoughts crossed my mind which am gonna write here.
In order to be good Sunday School pupils/classmates, follow these simple rules:

If you don’t have anything nice to say, then find something nice to say!

A good Sunday School class requires good discussion. Awkward silences are okay sometimes. But seriously, speak up! When the teacher asks for someone to read a passage of Scripture, don’t let the girls have all the fun!!! :) Hope men you understand.

Listen to your teacher!

Sunday School is a class setting with teachers and pupil after all. As good students of anyone who is teaching the Bible, we should always strive to be good listeners. And, on top of that, we are to be studious as well. When you hear biblical truth, you should always make sure that it is biblical and truth!
"Jews received the word with all eagerness" - Acts 17:11

Respect one another; Play nice;

But seriously Sunday School is one of the best places to get plugged into your church body and minister to one another. Don’t waste time with your fellow church members. Make full use of your time and your gifts. Let’s have a heart to serve one another.
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but the same God who empowers them all in everyone.

Sunday school is the place where I learnt so much about Christ and His love for me. The foundation I had in Sunday school is really strong and God is so good in my life. And people who are reading this, If you are a kid enjoy being in Sunday school . Don't even miss even a single Sunday. Christ loves kids so much. And if you are grown up people, make full use of your time, talents for the upcoming generation to mould them in a better way.  Take sunday school seriously and render your service for the kids.
Had a very good time in Theni in the one day retreat.

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