Sunday, May 15, 2011

I Preached :):)

When I was asked to preach in Church, My mind boggled."Uncle, U mean ME???" I gasped. "Really???". After they assured me they did want , I really felt honored. But just think of it. ME ! A girl of twenty one who has never preached in church before such a crowd of people elder and elder than me. What will I say to them?? Parents are far older than me. I knew It wouldn't be good If i explain the experiences I had with Christ because I knew they would have gone a mile more with Him. And I knew they never need any long minded speeches.

I thought and rethought. Finally came with an idea to tell them "What I have learnt from my experience". As I gathered these new thoughts I drifted back to my past !!! zoooooooooooooooooooooooing :):):)

When a person asked me who is my inspiration in life, I remained silent for a while and finally spelled out " NOBODY".  

A couple of months after that when my dad *laughed* saying me that when his friend asked about my course am doing in college, and my dad dint even know what course I was studying in college at that time. When he told me this with a smile in his face, I was really shocked but I dint react to him much. I wondered if he is really concerned about me. This particular incident left a mark in my heart. May be people who are reading it may not have any impact with it. But am sensitive.

When It comes to my career , I really don't know If this course is God's Will !!.My parents keep telling me that, " If its God's Will , It will be done". But I always have a doubt that, whether parents are all just speakers about His Will and not doers. 

So having all these in minds , I was determined to talk. When I stood at the podium, All eyes were fixed upon me. I began to speak. I told them I was honored to be addressing them. As it was mothers day , I honored an elder mother of the Church with a small gift calling her in front.And I threw three points before the parents.

Be an inspiration to your kids like David did - I kings 3:14
Be concerned about your kids spiritual and worldly growth like Annal did- I Samuel 2:18,19
To be perfect in the previous two points Walk in God's ways like Moses did- Exodus: 33;13 

and ended the preaching with a song and a Prayer.  :) :) :) A big breath now :) :) :)

I can't count how many time children would have uttered in obvious disappointments" Don't know what is with parents today???" "Yeah, I don't know what is with parents today."
And my dear , dad and mom, I love you, I dint want to hurt you at all . But I am hurt most of the times. Just waiting for the days when you will understand me better!!

Alright!! After the final day program finished and when I heard those good compliments I got from the floor, the happiness I had is just Exemplary.A person can live a month off a compliment, I can for years actually :):) A moment to cherish forever in my life. One of those rare occasions in life. Lovely seven days. Just loved it.I feel blessed.

And my special thanks to all the people who helped me through!!!

1 comment:

  1. yea. preaching before church congregation is nothing a simple matter i had my great experience when i attended my 1st of VBS in 7000 pannai church ... though speaking before a group of children would be a big thing we hav to prepare manything a lot and lot . so it would be some what easier to preach in church
