Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friendship Day Part 2

As we both were sharing the things happened in our centers and when I told him, "I was kind of strict today" He gave me an idea for easy going with the teachers!! I had a packet full of chocolates and in the teachers sharing time I passed the packet asking to take them how much ever they needed it!! They took two,three,four, and one fellow with over excitement of chocs took 17 :):) Any guesses what I asked them to do?? I told them to tell the facts about them for each choc they have!! The 17 chocs guy was in a trouble :P. They started very comically but ended up with testimonies. I was really surprised with the experiences each and everyone around had and having. It turned as a time to praise Lord. Wondered If this chocolate could bring out a person from their walls. And when my turn came, I shared my experience with Christ. The first ever time I did it without tears :):)  Its not that am happy but I'm strong enough to hide the tears!! And am sure teachers had their time with me and understood Am not a terror one :):) Ha ha ha..Actually I am to some people.

And now A big thanks Edwin Anna who helped me to get close to the teachers with the chocolates :):) I'm not really brainy to have these kind of ideas!! So people out there If you have some u can help me.

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