Wednesday, November 18, 2015

When I Found a Mother in a Friend

I know her for eight years now. We seldom speak, meet. We speak when there is something happening around that's disturbing our lives or we speak when there is a need. Our most of the conversations will be on a conference calls with the other two girls. I always have a reason to reject whatever she says. I never had good opinions for her decisions. When she says yes for something, it's always a no from my side. No idea why there was always a negative reaction. May be I did not trust her decisions or may be I couldn't picture what she says.

All her dreams was fashion, designing, and every other terms related to designs. She jumped from Computer Science to fashion designing. Her first show gave her the hopes for dreaming more in fashion industry as her model stole the best showstopper award. However we missed the show. The fashion show cinemaspice served as a great platform to exhibit her skills. She worked with many well-known and popular artists in the industry for the show. 

With so much fame and recognition following her, I feel extremely happy to see my friend chasing her dreams. However all this is possible because of the man behind her, Calm, ever smiling and a pure gentleman Mr. Dhinesh, her husband. I don't know if Geetha's dream boy was one like him, but I'm sure she is living a dream life with him. 

She looks fashionista and head strong by looks, but she is a perfect girl in every aspects. From cooking to creative works, from a friend to a perfect wife. 


You are a blessing to us. May peace and happiness surround you forever.


1 comment:

  1. Awe ... That was such a good read!!
    Only a couple of days back I had spoken of Geetha to my husband for how strong she was to dream big and follow her passion even after getting married and how I like a dumb ass did nothing but watch videos!!

    What an inspiration this girl is!! I have people to support me in what I want to do and yet I don't do it.. And look at u Geetha! You set a standard for all married girls who seem to have given up on their dreams... It's just not the end and you have proved it!!

    Fly high!!!
