Monday, April 22, 2013

Letter to the Creator

Why should this three sixty five acre area of campus came into my life? Why I had a struggle to get into this campus? Why did God bring me here? I’m completing one year of my life here in Madras Christian College and Lord I really wonder whether I’m being molded by the potter’s hand! Whatever steps I take, everything is a flop. When the things are on my way, I believe it has been sent by you. I boast about it and at the end I have nothing in my hand. Why does this always happen to me? Right from my career to relationship. I know am far away from you. I know I am unworthy enough to take all the blessings from you! I understand that life is not a bed of roses and receiving blessings from you is definitely not easy. I admit I made a lot of mistakes. Lord I know you are trying to teach me a lesson. I’m sure you want me to be a stronger woman. I know you have called me here for a purpose. I know you are trying to remove the unwanted things and add the needful. But this phase is so much painful, I tell you. Your plan is hard for me to understand. I still believe in you.

Lord, I really love you so much and I don’t know what more to say other than tears! You are wonderful.