A lot of things played in my mind. A lot really. Feeling of fear and Excitement is the major of all. It seemed that most of the dedicated people stood in prayers, children in their own language of prayer, youth in the mood of celebration, older people dint know what they were talking as their tongues were twisted in anger, fear and depression of the previous years rule; Women as always had a huge number of people around to chat , chat and chat about the candidates. Mobile phones kept singing to it's tune. The increased rate of heart beat awakened me from sleep. I tapped myself a little and rubbed my eyes, sitting up on my bed and strecthing with a huge yawn. I saw my mobile that was beside me on the bed and it was 3 in the morning. I was confused if all the things played in my mind will end up well or not. Then, I decided to have a word of prayer, of course for God's control and His abundant grace for the election which is happening in the morning.
The long awaited sixth Bishop's election was held on 20th of December in CSI Jacon, Madurai. In the presence of The moderator of the Church of south India, the chairperson of the election committee Dr.Charles and 14 scrutiny members conducted the election where 13 candidates of Madurai Ramnad diocese contested. The number of votes regsitered was 338.
The election underwent five rounds in which the first round dint meet any absolute majority as per the constitution. Followed by that, with the same number of votes registered , Rev.Baninga Washburn won and he was being declared as the first selected candidate for the further selection by the Synod committe. It seemed picture perfect. It happened in the way it was supposed to happen. It's the historical event in the diocese where a Dalit was elected in the first round itself. Happy faces everywhere; Happiness surrounded the ground. Smile pasted on a lot of people's faces head over toe. People were wailing at the top of their voices. Everyone was extremely delighted , coupled with a sense of satisfaction you could feel after completing a Big Deed. Big day it was, surely.
Knowing that the election is not valid if atleast two contestants dint win for selection, The crowd assembled again and seriously confused in electing the next contestant. Somehow people elected Rev.Joseph in the third round, the next candidate for further selection.
SO, Now the synod committe has to decide on the selection and people keep praying for God's Grace and favour in the eyes of people who decides further!
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